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Declare your land, water-body, household, municipality, or organisation a Nature’s Rights Zone!

Who we’ve worked with:

Nature’s Rights Zone

Grassroots Implementation

A Nature’s Rights Zone is a self-declared area, organisation, or household dedicated to endorsing and practising the Integrated Rights Framework. These zones actively demonstrate the framework's principles, sending a strong signal to law and policymakers that societal change towards respecting the rights of Nature is desired and feasible - even before it becomes law.

The Nature’s Rights Zone gives everyone -  from restoration projects to conservation trusts, municipalities, farms, schools and businesses - a grassroots way to advocate for change and scale up the movement by taking action.

The Integrated Rights Framework

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The Integrated Rights Framework is based on a study we conducted for the European Economic and Social Committee, Towards a Fundamental EU Charter for the Rights of Nature.


It sets out a law and policy blueprint for a thriving regenerative society, evolving our current sustainability framework to include integrated collaborative rights, planetary boundaries and the UN SDGs. This approach emphasises the interdependence of ecological health, human well-being, and economic stability.

How This Project Started

Advocating for Nature's rights, we often heard, "How can I help?" Many were regenerating Nature but unsure how to advocate for its rights. By demonstrating the framework in action, these zones build a strong case for deep systemic change in law and policy.

River Frome 

Watch this video to learn how the quest to legally recognise the rights of the River Frome in the UK led to the Nature’s Rights Zone initiative.

Civita Castellana 

In this video, you can hear the story of how Civita Castellana became the first municipality in Europe to declare itself a Nature’s Rights Zone.​

What Your Zone Will Achieve

Creating a Nature’s Rights Zone is a powerful way to demonstrate that an integrated approach to governance—balancing Nature, people, and the economy—is both achievable and transformative. By starting at the grassroots level, your zone can lead by example, and inspire systemic and cultural change.

Regeneration in Action

Show how Nature’s rights drive thriving ecosystems while supporting communities and businesses. Your zone becomes a living model of regeneration for others to replicate.

A Voice for Nature

Empower communities and businesses to prioritise Nature’s rights in governance, proving regenerative solutions can emerge through collaboratively solving  complex problems.

Driving Systemic Change

Align your efforts with ours to build a strong evidence base for national and international adoption of the Integrated Rights Framework - contributing to the creation of a thriving regenerative culture.

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Letitzia Gasperini I  Town Councillor Civita Castellana

It is with great pride that the council of Civita Castellana joins the Nature’s Rights movement, becoming the first council in Europe to pioneer this path. It will be very important for our children and grandchildren that Nature is granted legal rights so that we are empowered to protect and defend Nature using the law when necessary.

Declare Your Nature’s Rights Zone

Transform your land, water-body, household, municipality, or organisation into a sanctuary for Nature by declaring it a Nature's Rights Zone. Walk your talk, promote regeneration, and contribute to legislative and cultural change.

Become a Beacon of Regeneration

Partner with Us as a Demonstration Site

We are seeking bold, forward-thinking projects and initiatives ready to bring the Integrated Rights Framework to life on the ground. By partnering with us to become a demonstration site, you will play a pivotal role in showcasing how economic, human, and Nature’s rights can be integrated to create a truly regenerative and resilient future.

Join us in this transformative journey. Become a demonstration site and be a catalyst for a new era. Together, we can create a world where Nature, people, and economies coexist in harmony.

What legacy will you leave?

It makes no sense to destroy life's foundations for profit, only to fund disaster recovery later. Regenerative economies and cultures aren't just possible—they're necessary for a thriving future. Together, we can avert self-destruction and build a prosperous, regenerative society - if we act now. Unleash your power to shape our future consciously today!

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